
Research on Prediction of Tobacco Field Soil Moisture Based on BP Neural Network

  • 摘要: 提出了分区域、分阶段建立烟叶田间土壤水分预测简化模型的思想,并利用BP神经网络建立了烟田土壤水分预测模型,确定区域阶段土壤水分初值、蒸发量、月均气温、日照、降雨量为输入层和阶段土壤水分为输出层,实现了从输入端到输出端的非线性映射。研究表明,该预测模型具有较好的预测效果,有广泛的适应性和广阔的应用前景。


    Abstract: A method to simplify the model for forecasting the soil moisture of tobacco field by aiming at the same growing stage and area is proposed and a model to forecast the soil moisture of tobacco field based on BP neural network is established, in which the temperature, sunlight, rainfall, evaporation, and initial moisture of soil at a stage beginning are taken as the input and the soil moisture of tobacco field as the output. The research result shows that the prediction model of soil moisture has a good accuracy and has a wide range of adaptability.


