
Aggregated Data Rate Constrained Maximum Lifetime Routing in WSN

  • 摘要: 无线传感器网络通常由能量受限的传感器节点以及一个数据中心构成,采用数据聚合消除数据中的冗余信息。针对目前还没有对网络生命期与聚合数据率之间约束关系的研究,提出了适用于数据聚合无线传感器的网络流模型,并通过定义聚合数据率松弛系数,将网络最大生命期与最小聚合数据率路由结合起来,并设计了一组线性规划问题消除路由中的环路。通过大量仿真实验,给出了不同场景下路由算法的性能,分析了网络生命期与聚合数据率之间的约束关系。


    Abstract: Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) often consists of energy constrained sensor nodes and a data center, and data aggregation is often used to remove the redundant information from the data. However, no prior work studies the network lifetime under the aggregated data rate constraint. In this paper, a network flow model is proposed for data aggregated WSNs. By defining the loose factor for the aggregated data rate, the maximum network lifetime routing and the minimum aggregated data rate routing are combined. And a group of linear programming problems are designed to remove the loops in the routes. Extensive simulation results show the performances of the proposed routing algorithm. The relationships between the network lifetime and the aggregated data rate are also analyzed.


