3D Structure Extraction Method Based on Three-Dimensional Rectification for Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders
摘要: 针对SHGC(straight homogeneous generalized cylinders)图像的特点与从单幅图像中提取三维信息困难,设计了一种基于单幅SHGC图像和三维校正的三维结构提取方法。与传统的SHGC三维结构提取方法不同,该方法从三维空间中匹配的角度出发,构造一个二维横截面,在二维横截面上增加一个z轴,通过平移、旋转预先构造好的三维横截面,将构造好的横截面与原图像中SHGC物体的横截面进行兴趣点匹配,从而确定最优化结果时的仿射成像参数(λ, θ),通过成像参数可以成功提取SHGC横截面的三维信息,结合SHGC的子午线轮廓信息定性地得到整个SHGC物体的三维信息,提取SHGC表面的纹理,通过三角网格的方法将纹理贴到三维物体表面。实验论证了本文提出的三维结构提取方法是可行的和正确的。Abstract: A three-dimensional (3D) structure extraction algorithm based on a rectification method in 3D space for SHGC (straight homogeneous generalized cylinders) is designed in this paper. This algorithm resorts to the properties of SHGC and aims at the difficulties of the 3D information extraction from a single image. Different from the conventional algorithms of SHGC, a two-dimensional cross section which resemble the cross section of the original object is constructed in this algorithm. The cross section is placed into a 3D coordinates system with an additional z-axis, which is perpendicular to the 2D cross section. The interesting points on the constructed cross section are matched with those on the cross section of the object from the image. The affine imaging arguments pair (λ, θ) under the circumstance of the best matching solution are searched step by step through the rotation and transportation operated on the constructed cross section. With the best result pair (λ, θ), the 3D information of the cross section can be extracted quickly, and the whole 3D structure can be obtained at the next step if the contour is extracted by the meridian of the SHGC. The texture of the SHGC can be extracted and is pasted onto the 3D structure through a mass of triangular grids. The experiments show that the proposed algorithm is available and proper.