
Semi-Custome Design Methodology for Bidirectional Routing Fabric of Programmable Logic Cores

  • 摘要: 提出一种新的可编程逻辑核设计方法。该方法采用结构化的方式进行电路硬件描述,采取模块复用的方法减少代码编写工作量,通过半定制的后端流程得到可编程逻辑核版图。与传统的“软核”设计方法相比,新方法避开了综合步骤,解决了“组合逻辑环”的问题,可以实现主流的双向结构的可编程逻辑核,且版图面积减少了50%左右。用所提出的方法设计的可编程逻辑核实现了预期的组合及时序逻辑电路功能,验证了该方法的可行性。


    Abstract: A novel design methodology for programmable logic cores (PLCs) is proposed. A structured hardware description strategy is applied where some repeatable tiles are created and then replicated to form the fabric of the PLC, afterwards, the semi-custom design flow is used for layout generation. Compared with the existing ‘soft' PLCs design methodlogy, the problem of ‘combinational cycle’ is solved through bypassing the process of synthesis. Experimental results show that the area of PLCs designed following this methodology is reduced by about 50%. The feasibility of this methodology is verified through the implementation of desired logic functionality on the proof-of-concept prototype chip.


