Performance Analysis of NNC-DFH Receiver over Rayleigh Fading Channel with Partial-Band Noise Jamming
摘要: 提出了一种噪声归一化合并(NNC)差分跳频(DFH)接收机模型,以提高差分跳频系统抗部分频带干扰能力。分析了瑞利衰落信道下NNC-DFH接收机在部分频带干扰下的误符号性能,比较了线性合并、乘积合并和噪声归一化合并DFH接收机的抗部分频带干扰性能,分析了背景热噪声的影响。研究结果表明:在瑞利衰落信道下,针对NNC-DFH接收机的最坏部分频带干扰为全频带干扰,该接收机的抗部分频带干扰性能优于传统的线性合并和乘积合并接收机,当信噪比为21.4 dB,符号错误概率为10-4时,其干扰容限改善量达8 dB。Abstract: Noise-normalization combining (NNC) differential frequency hopping (DFH) receiver is proposed to improve the performance of DFH system in rejecting partial-band noise jamming (PBNJ).(SER) performance of this receiver using sequence detection over Rayleigh fading channel is analyzed with consideration of background thermal noise. The anti-PBNJ performances of linear, product and noise-normalization combining DFH receiver are compared. Numerical and simulation results show that the worst-case PBNJ against NNC receiver is full-band jamming. The jamming margin of NNC receiver is improved by more than 8 dB compared with conventional linear combining receiver and nonlinear product combining receiver at 21.4 dB signal-to-noise ratio and the desired 10-4 SER under worst-case PBNJ.