
Airport Noise Isoline Tracking Algorithm Based on Route Grid

  • 摘要: 机场噪声等值线图在机场噪声控制、机场规划设计中起着重要的作用。针对机场噪声的特征及分布特点,提出了一种基于路径栅格的机场噪声等值线追踪算法,通过构造有效网格、建立具有顶点编码和的路径栅格,在等值线追踪过程中唯一确定下一个等值点,避免了传统的先开放后封闭的等值线追踪方式,能够快速生成等值线图。实验验证表明,该算法效率高,绘制的机场噪声等值线图效果好,没有等值线交叉现象。


    Abstract: The airport noise isoline map plays an important role in airport noise control and airport planning. After studying airport noise characteristics and distribution, an airport noise isoline tracking algorithm based on route grid is proposed. By constructing an effective grid and creating route grid with the point code sum, the next equivalent point can be determined definitely in isoline tacking. The proposed algorithm can generate the isoline map rapidly by avoiding open isoline tracking first and then closed one Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has more efficient performance, and generates the better airport noise isoline map, especially with no cross between isolines.


