
  • 摘要: 针对双移动(MTM)系统的重叠衰落信道特性,给出了基于等增益合并(EGC)的协作实现方案,分析了该方案在双跳译码转发(DF)协议下的接收机性能。假定MTM信道服从重叠Nakagami-m衰落,通过帕德近似方法得到了输出信噪比对应矩母函数(MGF)的近似式,并进一步推导出M-PSK调制方式下系统的近似误符号率。仿真表明,不同信道参数下,理论和仿真曲线基本吻合,MGF且较性能最优的最大比合并,采用EGC性能损失约为1 dB。


    Abstract: A cooperative communication scheme with equal gain combining (EGC) is presented to deal with the severe double fading channels in mobile-to-mobile (MTM) systems. Performance analysis of this scheme is addressed for the dual-hop decode-and-forward (DF) protocol. Double Nakagami-m fading is assumed for the considered MTM channels. The approximate expression of the moment-generating function (MGF) of the output signal-to-noise ratio is firstly provided by using the Padé approximation. Furthermore, the closed-form expression of the approximate symbol error rate is derived for M-phase-shift keying modulation. Simulation results show that the theoretical results match the corresponding simulation curves under various channel parameters. Compared with optimum maximum ratio combining, the performance degradation caused by EGC is about 1 dB.


