
Resource Allocation for Two-Hop Relay Networks

  • 摘要: 对于具有中继节点的蜂窝系统,用户的实际速率受限于基站与中继之间链路(第一跳链路)以及中继与用户之间链路(第二跳链路)的吞吐量.单独考虑其中某一跳链路的资源分配,会降低系统的整体性能.因此,针对中继网络,设计了基于两跳链路吞吐量平衡的正向和逆向功率分配算法.其中正向分配算法在进行第二跳链路资源分配时,考虑了第一跳链路的影响.而逆向分配算法则是将第二跳链路的吞吐量作为第一跳链路资源分配的依据.仿真结果表明,设计的算法有利于克服两跳中继网络的瓶颈问题.尤其是逆向分配算法由于充分考虑了用户的最优速率情况,在提高系统吞吐量的同时还减少了能量消耗.


    Abstract: In relay-aided systems, the available data rate of a relay link user is determined by the minimum rate of the first hop link and the second hop link. Separate resource allocation in two-hop links may deteriorate system performance. Therefore, based on the throughput balance, a forward allocation (FA) algorithm and a backward allocation (BA) algorithm are proposed. In FA algorithm, resource allocation in the first hop greatly affects that of the second hop. In BA algorithm, resource allocation in the first hop is based on the throughput of the second hop. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms are beneficial to solve the bottleneck problem of two-hop relay networks. In particular, the BA algorithm considers the optimal rates of users, and thus it can further improve system throughput and reduce power assumption.


