Capability Model Based Routing Strategy in DTN
摘要: 针对容迟网络高延迟、间歇性连接、节点频繁移动、能量和缓存资源受限等本质特点,提出一种基于节点能力模型的容迟网络路由算法CM-RSD.该算法将基于节点活跃度和可用能量比的能力模型和多副本限额转发策略相结合,使消息副本向递交能力更强的节点扩散,从而提高消息递交的成功率,同时实现对资源开销的控制.此外,CM-RSD在选择中继节点时,还充分考虑了节点的能量状态,以避免消息副本向能量不足的节点扩散,从而有效保障网络节点的存活率.仿真实验表明,无论是节点密度、副本配额,还是节点移动模型的影响,CM-RSD算法在消息递交成功率、资源消耗、递交延时、能量消耗、扩展性等方面都表现出了良好的性能.Abstract: Delay-tolerant networks (DTNs) are a type of emerging networks characterized by extraordinarily long delay paths and frequent network partitions. For the distinct characteristics of DTNs, routing becomes one of the most challenging open problems. This paper presents a routing strategy based on capability model in DTN, called CM-RSD. The CM-RSD combines capability model with quota-based routing strategy, and sprays more message copies to stronger nodes. Furthermore, this strategy can select relay nodes based on the energy states of nodes, thus protecting the survival of network nodes effectively. Our simulation results show that the CM-RSD can improve the message delivery ratio significantly while keeping the overhead ratio low in distinct scenarios with different node densities, quota of copies, and mobility models.