
Rough Set Metric for Weak Functional Dependency of Equivalence Class

  • 摘要: 提出了一种较有意义的产生推理通道的推理规则,即等价类中的弱函数依赖(WFDoE),并给出了它的形式化定义.利用粗糙集理论定义WFDoE的置信度和支持度,并给出了从数据库中挖掘WFDoE的推理规则算法.实验结果表明,WFDoE可以有效增强防范推理泄露的能力.


    Abstract: Inference leakage problem in high security database is an important subject to research. Analysis of inference channel is the basis of solving inference leakage problem. In this paper, a more sound inference rule about inference channels, namely weak functional dependency of equivalence (referred to as WFDoE), is proposed and its formal definition is also presented. Rough set theory is used to define WFDoE's the degree of credibility and support, a mining arithmetic of WFDoE inference rules from database is provided. Experimental result shows that the proposed arithmetic is able to enhance ability to prevent inference leakage.


