Frequency Stabilization Control Method for ICPT System Based on Capacitor Array
摘要: 感应耦合电能传输(ICP)系统在工作过程中,负载变化会引起系统工作频率不稳定,从而导致功率传输效率降低,严重时还可能引起系统工作不稳定。针对此类问题,采用电容阵列动态调节电路并设计改进模糊控制算法,动态调节初级谐振电容阵列等效值,确保系统负载参数变化时系统工作频率的稳定,以提高系统功率传输效率和确保系统稳定性。实验结果验证了该稳频控制方法的有效性和优越性。Abstract: The load resistance changes may cause the variation of operational frequency of the inductively coupled power transfer (ICPT) systems, leading to the reduction of power transfer efficiency and system instability. An improved fuzzy control strategy is designed to ensure the stability of the resonant operational frequency when the load changes by controlling the effective value of the primary resonant capacitor array. This method promotes the power transfer efficiency and stability of ICPT systems. The experimental results verify the functionality and superiority of the proposed strategy.