Point Spread Function Simulation and Analysis when Optical Systems Encounter Micro-Vibration
摘要: 提出了一种高精度求解光学系统中镜面振动在曝光时间内形成的点扩散函数(PSF)的数值计算方法。传统方法计算镜面振动造成像点位移情况,并仅由该值评估镜面振动时系统调制传递函数(MTF)下降情况。该方法忽略了光学系统镜面位置发生改变时其光学系统自身MTF也会同时变化的特性,将导致误差产生。该误差在光学元件振幅较小时并不显著,但随着振幅的加大,该误差会变得不可忽略。该方法通过细分成像过程来计算每一个时刻的点扩散函数,并将这些点扩散函数进行积分来消除该误差。该方法适用于计算任意角度入射的空间光线在经过一个不稳定的光学系统后形成的点扩散函数。Abstract: This paper proposed a precise numerical method to calculate the point spread function (PSF) when optical systems encounter micro-vibration within a certain amount of exposure time. Conventional methods evaluate the modulation transfer function (MTF) degradation by using the image point displacement caused by micro-vibration. They ignore the change of MTF while the vibration is happening, which may cause errors if the amplitude of the vibration is large. The proposed method eliminates this error by integrating PSFs at each moment during the vibration. This method is well suited for computing the PSF of the spatial light propagating through an unstable optical system.