Effect of Ar Annealing Temperature on the Densification of SiO2 Film Grown by Thermal Oxidation on 4H-SiC
摘要: 在Ar气气氛下对热氧化n型4H-SiC生长的SiO2薄膜进行了1100 ℃以下不同温度的退火, 采用反射式椭圆偏振光谱、红外透射光谱研究了退火温度对SiO2薄膜致密性的影响. 椭偏测试的结果表明, 600 ℃退火后样品具有最大的折射率1.47和最小的厚度84.63 nm. 红外研究的结果显示, 600 ℃退火后LO峰强度最强, 认为是对应Si-O结构单元浓度最高. Al/SiO2/SiCMOS结构SiO2的漏电特性研究表明, 600 ℃退火后的SiO2薄膜漏电流相比于其他温度退火的氧化层漏电流小了两个数量级. 在外加反向偏压5V时, 漏电流密度仅仅只有5×10-8 A/cm2.600 ℃退火能显著地改善热氧化层SiO2的致密性.Abstract: The effect of different temperature (below 1100℃) post-oxidation annealing in Ar atmosphere (Ar POA) on the densification of thermally grown SiO2 film on n-type 4H-SiC has been studied by reflective spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The spectroscopic ellipsometry studies show that the 600℃ annealed SiO2 film has the highest refractive index of 1.47 and the lowest thickness of 84.63 nm in all samples. It is obtained from FTIR that 600℃ annealed sample has the highest LO phonon intensity, which may be attributed to the highest concentration of Si-O bonds. The leakage current-voltage measurement of Al/SiO2/SiC MOS capacitor was also performed. The leakage current is decreased by two orders of magnitude of the SiO2 thin film after annealing at 600℃. When a reverse bias voltage of 5V is applied, the reverse leakage current density is only 5×10-8 A/cm2. According to all studies, we conclude that annealing at 600℃ can greatly improve the compactness of thermally oxidized SiO2.