
Tangential Following Method Based on 3-Axis Linear Interpolation

  • 摘要: 针对多层自动裁床片式裁刀的运动控制,提出了一种新型的裁刀跟随算法,通过普通运动控制器的三轴线性插补功能来实现任意二维曲线的插补跟随. 先将曲线按照精度要求离散为直线段,然后将裁片轨迹划分为若干直线组成的节段,以刀片围绕刀尖点的旋转运动实现节段内直线间的转接. 该算法重点考虑刀具形状参数的影响,过剪量可控. 误差分析和实验表明,该算法有效可行. 与已有的技术相比,具有插补跟随精度高,实现成本低的特点.


    Abstract: A new tangential following motion control method of knife blade is proposed for automatic fabric cutting. By this method, following interpolation algorithm of arbitrary 2D curves can be implemented by ordinary motion controllers with a 3-axis linear interpolation function. After curves are discretized into broken lines according to required precision, each cutting piece contour can be divided into a number of segments composing of several lines. And transition between lines in the same segment is realized by rotating knife blade around tool nose. Error analysis and experiments showed that this method, with cutter compensation and adjustable overcutting, is effective and practicable. Compared with existing technology, it provides higher precision and lower cost.


