
Routing Algorithm Based on Social Selfishness in Delay Tolerant Networks

  • 摘要: 容迟网络中,由于资源受限,节点设备会随着资源的可用状况表现出一定程度的自私性。此外,不同的消息对应着不同的业务类型,为了保证服务质量,需要在路由算法以及缓存管理中考虑消息的优先级。考虑实际容迟网络中的社会自私性与消息优先级两方面的特点,在缓存管理机制设计的基础上,提出了对应的路由算法。基于真实移动轨迹的仿真实验表明,该算法优于现有的路由算法,能够在提高消息交付率的同时保持较低的网络开销。


    Abstract: In delay tolerant networks (DTNs), the node equipment due to the limited resources behaves selfishly to some degree with the situations of available resources. Moreover, different messages may correspond to different types of services. In order to guarantee the quality of service (QoS), the message priority should be taken into account in routing algorithms and buffer management. In this paper, a routing algorithm is proposed by considering the two features in actual DTNs, i.e., the social selfishness and message priority. The extensive simulation experiments with real mobility traces show that the proposed algorithm can enhance the message delivery probability, keep the low network overhead, and perform better than existing routing algorithms.


