
A Dynamic Configurable Two-Phase Virtual Machine Fault-Tolerance Allocation Method

  • 摘要: 提出了一种随着虚拟机资源请求和应用程序可用性水平不断变化的两阶段虚拟机容错分配方法。第一阶段根据虚拟机资源请求变化求解不同的虚拟机初始分配方案集合,第二阶段通过虚拟机在线迁移与虚拟机热备份技术,根据应用程序可用性水平不断变化求解虚拟机容错分配方案。实验结果表明,与现有的方法相比,该文提出的两阶段虚拟机容错分配方法性能更好,系统可用度更高。


    Abstract: A two-phase virtual machine (VM) fault-tolerance allocation method is proposed according to the constantly change of resources request of VMs and the availability levels of applications. In the first stage, the initial allocation plans of VMs are solved according to the change of resources request of VMs. In the second stage, through live migration of VMs technology and hot standby of VMs technology, the fault-tolerance allocation plan of VMs is solved according to the constantly change of the availability levels of applications. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method shows up better performance and higher availability compared with the existing methods.


