
Road Damage Information Extraction Based on High-Resolution SAR Imagery

  • 摘要: 提出了一种基于多时相SAR图像的道路损毁信息提取方法。该方法首先采用粒子滤波进行道路中心线提取,针对山区的复杂环境对图像预处理和粒子滤波过程进行了调整,能正确识别山区道路中心线;然后,根据道路损毁在SAR图像中的特征,建立了道路损毁模型,实现了道路损毁信息提取。实验结果表明,该方法提取的道路损毁信息准确度大于80%。


    Abstract: In this paper, an approach for road damage information extraction based on multi-temporal synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images is proposed. The road centerline is obtained by using particle filtering. According to complex mountainous terrains, the image pre-processing and the filtering process are adjusted and the road centerline can identified correctly. A road damage model is then developed in terms of the features of the road damage in SAR images, thus the road damage information is attained. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method can achieve the accuracy of road damage information above 80%.


