
Kalman Filter Algorithm Based on Backward Differentiation Formula of Delta Operator with Simulation

  • 摘要: 基于电流原理的继电保护是电力系统应用最广泛的主保护装置,其测量回路异常将直接导致保护设备误动或拒动,是电力系统应尽量预防的高风险事故。极性是保护二次系统电流测量回路的重要特征,但其现有检测方法仍较繁琐复杂,而且常常出现错检漏检事件,从而严重影响电力系统的安全性和可靠性。因此,有必要研究更为简易可靠的极性检测措施以确保电流测量回路极性的正确性。为此该文定义了广义变比,建立了继电保护电流测量回路极性辨识模型,分析了测量回路综合误差对极性监测的影响,并得到了测量回路极性故障判据。仿真分析验证了该方法的有效性。


    Abstract: The relay protection based on the current principle is the most widely-used main-protection devices in power systems, its measurement circuit abnormity will directly lead to incorrect tripping or missoperation of protection equipment, which is the high-risk incident that power systems should be vigorously prevented. Polarity is an important characteristic in current measurement circuits of protection secondary systems, but its existing detection methods are still cumbersome and complex, and often bring wrong or leakage inspection events, which will seriously affect the safety and reliability of power systems. Therefore, it is necessary to research more simple and reliable polarity detection measures to ensure the correctness of polarity of current measurement circuits. So this paper defines the generalized ratio, and establishes a polarity diagnosis model of protection current measurement circuits, and analyzes the influence of comprehensive error of measurement circuits to the diagnosis of the polarity faults, and finally obtains the polarity fault criteria of current measurement circuits. Simulation analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method.


