
The Study of Mentality Facticity Identification Based on Approximate Entropy of Event Related Potentia

  • 摘要: 研究受试者在隐藏信息测试(CIT)模式下心理意识真实性识别。通过对15名受试者进行测试并记录其事件相关(ERP)脑电信号,对不同刺激信息诱发的ERP信号的近似熵进行分析。研究结果显示,当刺激信息出现时,近似熵出现了明显的下降趋势;刺激任务完成后,近似熵回升到刺激前水平。以近似熵下降百分比作为近似熵下降程度的量化参数,对比不同类型刺激信息诱发ERP信号的近似熵下降百分比,发现无关刺激在刺激反应过程中,对应的近似熵下降百分比显著大于相关刺激和靶刺激的下降百分比(p<0.001),说明近似熵的下降程度可以作为识别受试者隐藏信息的一种辅助特征参数。


    Abstract: The present study focuses on the identifying subject's mentality facticity during concealed information test (CIT). Total 15 subjects were tested in CIT paradigm and the Event Related Potential (ERP) evoked by three categories stimuli was obtained simultaneously. The results show that the Approximate Entropy (ApEn) of ERPs decrease as stimulus appears and increase as stimulus over. Meanwhile, decreasing percentage of ApEn was employed as quantitive parameter, it is found that the parameter of ERPs corresponding to irrelevant stimulus is significantly larger than that of probe and target stimulus (p<0.001). The findings indicate that decreasing percentage of ApEn could be used as an additional feature parameter to identify subject's concealed information effectively.


