
Novel Landmark Design of Autonomous Landing in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

  • 摘要: 在基于计算机视觉的无人机自主着陆过程中,地标的设计与检测以及无人机位姿估计是其中的关键问题。该文提出了一种基于极坐标变换的无人机位姿估计算法,并设计了新型的着陆地标。首先,充分利用极坐标所需参数少、计算简单的优点,将极坐标变换运用到位姿估计算法中,由此设计了半圆环形状的着陆地标;其次,利用显著性检测算法对地标进行检测,并利用Hough算法提取所检测到的地标中的直线;最后,实验结果表明该算法准确快速,且适用于复杂背景的情况,该地标在无人机自主着陆中是可行的。


    Abstract: The design and detection of landmark and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) pose estimation are key points in the process of UAV autonomous landing based on computer vision. This paper proposes a pose estimation algorithm based on polar coordinates transform and designs a new landmark. Firstly, the polar coordinates transform is applied to the pose estimation algorithm for its related parameters are few and low computational complexity, then a landmark with hemi-toroidal shape is designed. Secondly, the saliency detection algorithm is used to detect the landmark, which is accurate, fast and robust to clutter background. Then the Hough transform algorithm is used to extract the lines of the detected landmark. Lastly, the experimental results show that the landmark is feasible in the process of UAV autonomous landing.


