
Rotation Error Calculation of the Spindle of Precision Centrifuge Under the Coupling Effect of Aerostatic Bearing-Rotor System

  • 摘要: 针对精密离心机气体轴承-转子耦合系统,采用计算流体动力学方法计算径向、止推轴承的承载力;通过拟合方法获得考虑偏心和供气压力的气体轴承的承载能力非线性模型,并基于有限元法建立轴承-转子耦合作用下的动力学模型,对重力、不平衡量、非线性气膜力作用下的转子动力学进行耦合计算,得到不同偏心量下转子回转误差轨迹图。结果表明在不平衡量为3 kg·m时转子回转误差最大为1.03 μm,误差在μm级,满足10-6精密离心机的回转误差要求。


    Abstract: For aerostatic bearing-rotor coupling system of precision centrifuge, the method of computational fluid dynamics is used to calculate flow field with variation of eccentricity and the supply pressure. The bearing load capacity related to eccentricity and the supply pressure is derived by a nonlinear fitting function. The dynamic characteristic of bearing-rotor system is built based on the finite element method and the response under the influences of gravity and unbalanced force and nonlinear gas film force is calculated. The calculated results show that the rotation error can meet the design requirements of 10-6 precision centrifuge.


