
GFDM with Interleaved Subcarrier-Index Modulation

  • 摘要: 为了降低广义频分复用的信号干扰以提升系统性能,该文提出了基于交织子载波索引调制的广义频分复用传输技术,通过联合设计,使得发射数据符号的子载波均按照交织子载波索引调制的方式进行数据映射,改善了接收信号的平均欧氏距离,提升了接收端信号恢复的性能。仿真结果显示新系统在典型无线传输信道中能够获得比传统广义频分复用系统更加优越的误码率性能。


    Abstract: In order to reduce the interference and improve the system performances, this paper utilizes the idea of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) with interleaved subcarrier-index modulation (OFDM-ISIM) into Generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM), which is referred as interleaved subcarrier-index modulation GFDM (ISIM-GFDM). In the ISIM-GFDM, the data are mapped by the interleaved subcarrier-index modulation in each ISIM-GFDM subsymbol, which can enlarge the average Euclidean distance of the received symbols and improve the error performance of the signal recovery in the receiver. Simulation results show that ISIM-GFDM outperforms GFDM and SIM-GFDM in wireless mobile communication channel in terms of bit error rate (BER).


