
Path Optimization Method in Transportation Layer of WSN Based on Genetic Algorithm and LEACH

  • 摘要: 针对WSN节点中分层分簇路由算法存在能耗不均衡、簇首能耗高的问题,提出了一种基于GA和LEACH的WSN引入交通层路径优化算法。该算法基于ZigBee协议引入了新的拓扑结构,并优化了基于距离和能量因素的阈值函数,从而对WSN进行优化。仿真结果表明,在增加9%整体耗能的前提下,减少了关键簇首95%的通信能耗,有效地提高了WSN能耗均匀性,并延长了WSN 1~3倍的整体工作寿命。


    Abstract: To solve the problems of unbalanced energy consumption and the high energy consumption of header cluster effectively in the wireless sensor networks (WSN), the paper proposes an optimized transportation layer algorithm which is based on the genetic algorithm (GA), low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) algorithm, and ZigBee protocol. The algorithm introduces a new type of topological structure and improves the threshold function based on distance and energy consumption for WSN. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can achieve a 95% reduction of communication energy consumption of key cluster head with 9% increase of overall energy consumption, thus effectively improving the uniformity of the energy consumption of WSN, and extending 1~3 times working life of the whole WSN.


