
Research Progress on Content Routing in Content-Centric Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  • 摘要: 内容中心网络(CCN)具有兴趣驱动、异步交互、内置缓存以及多路径转发等特点,是移动自组织网络MANETs进行组网的理想候选者。因此,内容中心移动自组网(CCM)成为了当前的研究热点。该文介绍了CCM内容路由的概念模型,在此基础上详细阐述了先应式、反应式和机会式等类型的代表性内容路由方案,总结了当前CCM内容路由在广播分组、通信范型和缓存等方面亟待解决的问题,深入地展示了CCM内容路由的研究现状。


    Abstract: The distinctive features make content-centric networking (CCN) as a potential networking scheme for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), such as asynchronous communication paradigm, in-network caching and multi-path forwarding, and thus, content-centric mobile ad hoc network (CCM) is becoming a hot issue in the area of CCN. Firstly, a content routing model of CCM is introduced, and then the major content routing schemes are elaborated. Furthermore, the existing issues are concluded in terms of broadcasting and routing model. The work shows the current research progress on content routing in CCM.


