To provide quick name lookup technique, the paper designs a Hash bloom filter (HBF). The HBF consists of g on-chip counter bloom filters (CBFs),
g on-chip counters and
g off-chip Hash tables. Each Hash table is associated with a CBF and a counter. To reduce the false positive rate introduced by unbalanced name insertion in to CBFs, we propose two-Hash-choice algorithm which evenly disperses the FIB/CS/PIT entries into
g Hash tables and CBFs. Moreover, HBF has a good feature of parallel processing of data packet forwarding because HBF adopts multiple Hash tables and CBFs. Theoretical and simulated results demonstrate that HBF can achieve very efficient name lookup by well utilizing the on-chip memory through localization and filtering function of CBF. Therefore, the proposed HBF improves data packet forwarding rate and effectively avoids flooding attacks.