$$ V=\sigma d/{{\varepsilon }_{0}} $$ (1) 式中,σ表示摩擦电荷密度;ε0表示真空介电常数;d为摩擦层间的距离。整个过程如图 2所示。简单来说,当人步行时,鞋与地面接触,脚和地面对鞋垫及植入鞋垫的计步器产生挤压,器件输出一个正的电压,当鞋离开地面时压力释放,摩擦层相互分离器件输出一个负的电压,当脚抬至最高点向下踏步时器件再一次受到挤压,输出一个较小的正的电压随即压力得到释放,再一次输出一个较小的负电压,此过程即一次运动循环。电压随时间的变化情况反映了人的运动情况。
Self-Powered Pedometer Based on Triboelectric Nanogenerator
摘要: 基于摩擦纳米发电机原理,使用铜、铝、聚二甲基硅氧烷、聚酰亚胺等低成本易获取材料设计出一种自驱动计步传感器。无电源供应的情况下,该传感器在受测试者走动时可输出最高11 V的电压信号,跑动时输出超过40 V的电压信号。通过COMSOL软件对该传感器进行有限元分析,所得结果与实测结果有良好的一致性。所获取的信号具有良好的稳定性和重复性,通过频域分析可以准确得出步伐频率的分布情况。该传感器有望应用于下一代低耗电或完全自驱动计步器,从而在未来的移动大数据健康医疗领域和智能可穿戴电子设备领域发挥独特的作用。Abstract: A self-powered pedometer based on triboelectric nanogenerator is designed and presented. The sensor is composed of accessible and low-cost materials such as Al, Cu, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and Kapton. The output voltage of the sensor can reach 11 V and 40 V when the subject with the sensor goes for a walk or run, respectively. Finite element methods is used to calculate the potential distribution of the sensor via COMSOL, and the simulation results correspond well with the experiment results. The electrical signal has good stability and repeatability. The pace frequency distribution can be precisely obtain via the frequency-domain analysis of signal character. This sensor has the potential applications in the next generation pedometer with low power consumption or even self-powered ability. This will play a unique role in the fields of health care and smart wearable electronics.
Key words:
- pedometer /
- self-powered /
- sensor /
- triboelectric nanogenerator
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