
The Effect of Initial Size Distributions on Percolation Transition

  • 摘要: 近年来,不同添边规则下的网络渗流特征得到了广泛研究,但系统初始条件对渗流变换的影响少有关注。该文研究了初始分支尺度服从指数分布条件下的经典ER(Eröds-Rényi)渗流过程,通过分支凝聚过程的斯莫洛科夫斯基方程解析分析发现,与经典ER渗流过程相比,尽管渗流仍然连续,但在相变点附近,分支尺度分布不再服从幂律分布,同时,敏感度在相变点也不再满足居里-外斯定律。


    Abstract: Recently, the extensive researches have done on percolation characteristics of different rules. Nevertheless, the impact of initial size distributions on percolation transition is rare in concern. In this paper, we investigate a modified ER (Eröds-Rényi) percolation process, in which the initial size distributions is set to exponential distribution. Through the analysis of Smoluchowski equation, it is found that although percolation transition is continuous compared to classical ER percolation process, the distributions of cluster size do not comply with the power-of distributions near the critical point, and both analytical and simulation results reveal that susceptibility does not satisfy the Curie-Weiss law.


