
Hardware Accelerated Dynamic RDMA Method for Gigabit Ethernet

  • 摘要: 针对RDMA传输在千兆以太网中连接建立等待时间过长造成传输效率降低的问题,提出一种动态RDMA通信方法,并进行建模和实验。该方法在保持对传统通信方法兼容的基础上,提出间接传输方法及对应的动态选择策略。通过扩展NIC的硬件逻辑并预留相应的缓存资源,动态RDMA通信方法可以在连接未建立成功的情况下进行数据传输,同时继续保持连接的建立。该过程实现了数据传输与连接建立的并行进行,且对上层协议透明。以千兆以太网NIC为原型构建端系统模型,并搭建测试平台进行实验。实验结果表明,动态RDMA通信方法以很小的额外硬件开销解决了连接建立等待时间过长的问题,提供了优于传统RDMA通信方法的传输性能。


    Abstract: Waiting for connection establishment can be inefficient during remote direct memory access (RDMA) transport for Gigabit Ethernet. Aiming at solving this problem, a hardware accelerated dynamic RDMA method is proposed in this paper. This method allows starting RDMA transport at the same time with connection establishment by sending packages first to indirection buffer in network interface card (NIC) and copying them later to host memory. The terminal models of dynamic RDMA method are built and the simulation platforms for perform experiments are developed. Experimental results show that the dynamic RDMA method not only can solve the long waiting problem of connection establishment with little extra hardware cost, but also can provide higher transport performance compared with traditional RDMA methods.


