
Adaptive Current Control Strategy for Harmonic Compensation in Single Phase Solar Inverter

  • 摘要: 针对两级式单相光伏并网逆变器由于死区时间、直流侧波动等原因造成并网电流畸变的严重现象,将特征谐波消除策略应用于并网逆变器,以优化并网电流波形、提高电流跟踪性能。首先通过Park变换实现单相d-q坐标下的电压电流双环比例积分控制(PI),再增加含动态增益的补偿环节,对PWM调制波进行重构,实现对谐波的补偿,利用莱文贝格-马夸特(LM)算法改进的BP神经网络提高前馈补偿的精度与对电压畸变的适应性。最后,MATLAB仿真研究以及实验验证了该方法的有效性与合理性。


    Abstract: In order to solve the current distortion phenomenon, which is caused by the dead-time effect and DC voltage fluctuation in the single-phase solar grid-connected inverter, this paper presents a selective characteristic harmonic elimination strategy to design a current controller for grid-connect inverter for optimizing current waveform and improving current tracking performance. The double loop proportional integral (PI) control of voltage and current is realized by adopting Park transformation. PWM is reconstructed to compensate harmonics by the harmonic compensation with dynamic gain. Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm is used to improve back propagation (BP) neural network, so as to increase the accuracy of feed-forward compensation and enhance the adaptability of voltage distortion. Finally, MATLAB simulation and experimental results verify the effectiveness and rationality of the proposed method.


