
The Application of All-pass Filter in the Fully Electronic Temporal Imaging

  • 摘要: 基于多个不同种类全通滤波器的级联设计,该文提出一种低插入损耗、高线性度、高群时延斜率的宽带线性群时延电路。在此基础上,采用该类群时延电路搭配线性啁啾信号,实现了两个时宽40 ns,带宽0.8 GHz的全电子时域成像系统,可分别对任意信号进行实时的时间反演和时域展宽成像。最后对两个成像系统分别进行数字仿真,证明两个成像系统具有很高的成像质量,进一步对其输出信号和输入信号做相关性分析,得到的相关系数在0.97以上。


    Abstract: A broadband and linear group delay circuit, which is based on the different kinds of all-pass filters cascade, is proposed to realize full electronic temporal imaging. The group delay circuit has low insertion, high linearity and high group delay slope. Two full electronic temporal imaging systems are realized by using this kind of the group delay circuit and the proper linear chirp pulse in this paper. The two temporal imaging systems can time reverse and broaden an arbitrary waveform signal with 40 ns duration and 0.8 GHz band width, respectively. These two systems are simulated and the results show that the two temporal imaging systems have high image quality. The correlational analyses indicate that the correlation coefficients between the input and output is greater than 0.97.


