
Two Quantization Phenomenas and Their Effects on Application of Digital Processing

  • 摘要: 在周期性信号数字化测量比对中,除A/D量化误差以外还存在取决于两比对信号频率关系的量化相移步进误差。通过分析两种量化误差的产生原因及相互关系,该文提出了利用两种误差的相辅相成关系来量化误差分辨率的稳定性以及影响,在数字化处理中采用边沿处理技术,能有效地抑制量化误差。实验表明,在10 bit A/D采样分辨率下,测量分辨率较原有A/D测量分辨率提高了一个数量级甚至更高。该方法可以在频率、相位等参数的精密测量、控制中发挥重要作用。


    Abstract: In the digital measurement comparison of periodic signal, there exists a quantization phase step error that depends on the frequency relationship of the two comparison periodical signals, besides the A/D quantization error. The cause and relation of the two quantization errors are analyzed in this paper. And a new method which can reduce quantization error is then presented by utilizing the relationship of two errors, the resolution stability with influence of quantization error, and the border technology in digital processing. The experiments show that measurement resolution can reach higher level using an A/D of 10 bit. Compared with the A/D resolution, the result can improve one magnitude. This method can play an important role in precision measurement and control about frequency, phase and other periodical parameters.


