
High-Rise Building Reconstruction Using Airborne InSAR Interferometric Phase

  • 摘要: 通过分米级高分辨SAR能够提取城市更细致的细节信息,特别是结合InSAR技术,能够获取个体建筑的三维信息和其他信息。国内城区中分布着大量的高层建筑,因此在大城市和城镇中心的城市规划中,获取高层建筑的三维信息非常重要。该文首先分析高层建筑在分米级InSAR中的投影分布特性;在此基础上,依据干涉相位图中的高层建筑特性,通过建筑检测、墙体提取和三维参数估计的逐层处理方法,实现基于InSAR干涉缠绕相位的城市场景高层建筑的三维信息重建。并采用机载N-SAR系统录取的城市实测数据验证了该方法的可行性。


    Abstract: Urban mapping with a great level of details becomes possible using the decimeter-level resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data. With available interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) techniques, it is possible to retrieve the 3D information of individual buildings. In China, the high-rise buildings are numerous in urban areas. It is of the great importance to obtain the 3D information of these high-rise buildings in the city planning. In this study, we show the possibility of the high-rise building 3D reconstruction using only one wrapped InSAR phase imagery with high-resolution. The effectiveness of the approach including the building detection, facade extraction, and 3D information estimation has been demonstrated with the acquired airborne N-SAR data.


