
A Highly Robust Intrusion Detection Method for Intelligent Ball Machines

  • 摘要: 智能监控球机广泛应用于家居室内智能监控。针对智能球机无法长时间检测、识别、跟踪侵入目标的问题,该文设计了一种结合目标检测、识别、跟踪算法的闭环结构,并采用控制算法控制球机云台转向自动跟随侵入目标。在运动目标检测方面采用vibe算法,在目标识别上采用神经网络识别目标,其中采用ssd网络检测人脸,使用yolov3网络识别人体,识别出跟踪目标后,采用csr-dcf目标跟踪算法进行目标跟踪,跟踪模式下启动模糊pid控制算法控制云台跟随目标转动,锁定目标后由跟踪模式再度切换到目标识别模式,形成一个检测、识别、跟踪、控制的闭环。经过测试,该方法提高了侵入跟踪功能的鲁棒性,在侵入目标快速运动、存在遮挡、暂时消失的情况下均可长期跟踪。


    Abstract: Intelligent monitoring ball machine is widely used in indoor intelligent monitoring. Aiming at the problem of long-term detection, recognition and tracking of intrusive targets, this paper designs and implements a closed-loop structure combining target detection, target recognition and target tracking algorithm, and uses control algorithm to control the ball machine platform to automatically follow the intrusive targets. Vibe algorithm is used for moving target detection and neural network is applied for target recognition, where single shot multi box detector (SSD) network is used to detect face and yolov3 (You only look once) network is used to recognize human body. After recognizing the tracking target, discriminative correlation filter with channel and spatial reliability (csr-dcf) target tracking algorithm is used to track the target. In the tracking mode, the fuzzy pid control algorithm is started to control the platform to follow the target rotation, and after locking the target, the tracking mode is used to track the target. The model is switched to target recognition mode again, forming a closed loop of detection, recognition, tracking and control. The test shows that this method improves the robustness of intrusion tracking function, and can be tracked for a long time in the case of fast movement of the intrusive target, occlusion and temporary disappearance.


